Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ten Tips: Before, After, and During a Workout

Holler! I know, I know, I promised a fun post sometime this week, and believe me, it's coming! Just hadn't had enough time to really work on a fun project for my blog... I've been working out 24/7. And I've been loving it. I've been a workout freak ever since last year, but I've never thought of myself as a "pro" in the workout "area". Now that I've been working out so much and doing a bunch of research on fitness and health lately, I feel like I can share some tips and tricks on working out with you guys :)

1. Just Do It This is a quite famous saying, but it's only because it is so true! If you want to get/stay fit and toned - just get off your lazy bum and DO IT. Don't sit on your computer all day and look at gorgeous skinny girls on tumblr, don't just dream about being fit - BE FIT. There are really no excuses when it comes to not being able to workout. You don't need to pause Pretty Little Liars to get up and do some squats or crunches, and 20-30 minutes of jogging a day is plenty! All you need to do to work out if JUST DO IT.

2. Fuel Up! It is so incredibly important to have a good hearty meal before a workout! If you don't eat a good healthy meal you won't have a lot of energy to use, so you probably won't get a good and enjoyable workout! The meal doesn't have to be huge or very high in any vitamins/minerals - a simple snack is enough! Just grab a bottle of water and a toast with some strawberry and banana cut up in-between - and you're ready to go!

3. Slow and Steady It's good if you're excited and enthusiastic about working out, but don't go over the board! It's important to go slow when working out! Don't just go for a run and set a goal to run 7 miles on your first jog in a couple of months! Set realistic goals - that way you won't be discouraged after a workout. Take it slow and, I promise, you'll see a difference!

4. Take It Outside Your fitness routine doesn't exactly have to be in the gym or in your house - if the weather is nice, why not go outside?! You can easily use the great outdoors in your advantage! Jogging is always nice on a breezy, sunny day, and using the bench to do some triceps dips is so much more fun than using your bed!

5. Go Get You Some Sweats If you're determined to start a fitness routine - start with the right gear! Wearing a supportive sports bra, some yoga shorts, a nice pair of tennis shoes and a good pair of quick-dry socks is so much more comfortable than wearing your Victoria's Secret PINK sweatpants, a huge baggy t-shirt, some cotton socks, and your old gym shoes from middle school. Just invest in some key pieces that you know you'll wear and use all the time and stay comfy!

6. Protein Love If you want to build muscle (like moi) after a workout it is very important to eat a high-protein meal 30-60 minutes after! Good protein sources are beans, lean beef, seafood, white-meat poultry, dairy, and eggs. Make sure to eat after your workout, too, even if you're not trying to bulk up!

7. Red Light! Know when to stop. When working out it is crucial to stop when your body is sending you the signal. If you feel like fainting, or you just can't do it anymore - DON'T. Do not overwork your system and make sure to listen to your body.

8. Take a Break In order to build muscle it is very important to give your body at least one day a week off. That day is needed for those muscles to recover, so it will be possible to continue to build them. Just set one day a week where you're just resting and not working out!

9. Commit! If you made a fitness plan and decided to do it - STICK TO IT. As I said earlier, there's always time to workout if you really want to, even though sometimes it might seem hard to. Just commit to the plan you chose and reward yourself with a little something (that Michael Kors watch you wanted, maybe?) after reaching your goal.

10. Go Clean This one is pretty self-explanatory, but so many people don't do this. Take your makeup of before working out. Concealer, foundation, powder, and primer can block your pores - so when you sweat, the sweat gets blocked inside, resulting in blackheads and whiteheads after! Ew. 'Course, you can slap on some mascara before the gym to look cuter for that special someone, but come on. NO ONE looks cute in the gym. If you want to look cute - go shopping, not to the gym.

Hope you enjoyed! And have a great workout. Oh, and to conclude with my favorite russian quote that I live by: "Healthy body - healthy soul" ;)


inspirational picture, as always, from here

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