Monday, June 18, 2012

My daily workout plan

Let me just put it out there. Exactly a year ago I weighed 168 pounds. During the past year I've lost 70 pounds. And believe me, it wasn't easy. I had to completely cut out junk food, soda, sweets, carbs (except whole wheat bread). I basically only ate salads and yogurt. I still don't eat junk food, soda and sweets and just try my hardest to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you 'gotta workout.

I, personally, love working out. Well, I don't really like sweating, but I do love working out. Jogging, weightlifting, squats, swimming -- just anything! So, about 7 months ago I officially became a health and workout freak. I workout everyday (or at least I try to :p) and I decided to share my little workout plan for everyday with you guys :)

Monday - Friday:
Right when I wake up in the morning I do some stretches and then do 40 crunches and a minute-long plank.
To kick my workout off at the gym, I start by jogging on the treadmill for about 30 minutes or running on the elliptical machine for 45 minutes (depends on how I feel), then I do 90-100 sit-ups (depends on how many I feel like doing that day), and then lifting the "10" weight 35 times on the shoulder press.
When I get back home after the gym I do 100 squats while watching TV (I don't do squats at the gym because I'm embarrassed :p) and then do 7-10 push-ups.

Saturday - Sunday:
On the weekend I don't have access to the gym, so I just wake up really early and run in my neighborhood for about 40 minutes.
Then I horseback ride for 1 hour or sometimes 2 hours, depending on how much time I have.
When I get home after horseback riding I do about 30-40 minutes of yoga (just the beginner stuff -- warriors, triangles, etc.)
Often times I'll get really bored during the weekend, so one day I came up with a little routine and I've been doing it every day on the weekend ever since! What it is, is basically, I just read one chapter of whichever book I'm reading, then I get up and do 100 squats, then I read another chapter and then do 90 squats, then I read another chapter and do 80 squats, and et cetera until the number of squats gets to 0 :)

Yep, so this is pretty much what i do all the time, with some variations, occasionally. Let me know if you'd like to know more about my workout or what I wear, tips and tricks or just anything ;)


photo is from here ;)

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