Friday, March 8, 2013

What's On My iPhone (Upgraded!)

I made a "What's On My iPhone?" post right when I first started blogging - it was right about the time I got my first iPhone, so I didn't quite know what I want or need from this amazing device. Now that I've had my iPhone for almost a year - I've figured out what kind of apps I use and what apps I just don't need. Oh, and my background is from Kate Spade, in case you were wondering. I'm not going to go through the basic apps that already come with your iPhone (Safari, Calendar, Notes, etc.) - just the ones that I downloaded separately.

I only have two pages on my phone (more than two drive the OCD in my crazy), I have two folders, and pretty much all of the other apps are organized in a way that makes sense to me - social media in one row, picture editing apps in another. I took screenshots of my screen just to make it easier for you to visualize what my screen looks like.

Metropolitan I live in Moscow (surprise surprise) and I hardly ever take the metro - it's so scary and confusing! But sometimes I just have to - whether it's to go somewhere with my friends or get to a mall when no one can take me there - and this app helps out a ton! The app itself is nothing special - just a map of the Moscow metro, but if you enter the station which you're on and the station where you get to it will calculate the time it will take you to get there and show you the shortest and easiest route. This may not matter for those of you who are from the U.S., but I still decided to include it here - it's on my iPhone, so it only felt fair to do so!

tumblr We all know and love tumblr (and if you don't - have you been living under a rock?!), so this app is a must for me! Nothing special - just makes browsing tumblr from your iPhone more convenient. My tumblr is TexasGals - just in case you wanted to follow!

Facebook Also pretty self-explanatory - I just use this to browse Facebook more comfortably from my phone. I'm pretty sure everyone has this.

YouTube Also super basic - when I run on the treadmill I get bored sometimes, so I turn to YouTube! You'll be surprised at how many hours I can just watch videos - YouTube is basically my life.

Shazam I'm pretty sure everyone knows about this app and has it, but just in case you don't - I'll explain. You know that feeling when you here a song on the radio or in a store and you absolutely fall in love with it and it's stuck in your head for the rest of the day, but you just don't know the name? One of the worst feelings in the world, right? Well, this app fixes the problem in a snap - you just press a button and it gives you the name of the song you're listening to! I don't know how they do it, but it works!

Instagram Pretty basic too - use this app every day, love it, obsessed with it, the love of my life. Nothing much more I can say. Oh, this is pretty much the only reason that I got an iPhone by the way...sorry I'm not sorry :P

Flashlight You don't think you'll ever need this app - but you'll need it a ton believe me! I use it all the time backstage during plays, or just in dark rooms when I can't find the light switch - it's the kind of app that you don't think you'll need, but you do.

PicFrame This I use for editing pictures for Instagram - it's basically a ton of frames that you can use to make collages of pictures. Also great for backgrounds! I don't think it's free (sorry about that) - but it sure is worth it!

Picfx You know that effect that everyone uses on Instagram, the one with the little lights or hearts and you just can't figure out how the do that? This is the app you're looking for. Along with the "bokeh" effects (the light thingies) this also has a ton of super duper smashing effects that Instagram doesn't offer. Also not free - but so worth the 99 cents!

TimerCam This is what I use to take my OOTD pictures (the "no-mirror" ones). It's nothing special - just a timer that you can set for 5, 10, or 15 seconds and then takes a picture.

Colorstram I am obsessed with this app! It's basically just for putting text over pictures - not something you really need, but it's super fun to use. I use this app to manage my bank account - it helps a ton! It's so helpful when it comes to managing you credit/debit card account(s) - and it helps me save and keep track of my money! It shows you how much money you spent on what and is just super helpful when it comes to managing your money. Definitely a thumbs up from me.

RueLaLa I raved about this app in my February Favorites not so long ago - it's an app from the RueLaLa website that you can use to get notifications for upcoming flash sales that (believe me) you don't want to miss! Great app - I use it a ton.

Pinterest Just like tumblr, we all know and love Pinterest. I mean, who doesn't love great DIYs, delicious recipes, and gorgeous clothing pieces that you can stare at all day long?! Whenever my Instagram feed is dead and everyone on tumblr is asleep - I turn to Pinterest! Don't spend much time here, but it's still fun to use.

Sleep Cycle I have been using this app every single day (or should I say night?) since January - it's so cool! You basically turn it on, put your phone by your pillow, and sleep while it tracks your sleeping pattern based on your movement and wakes you up when you're in your lightest sleep. It's also super fun just to look back on how you slept that night (or any other night) and how doing things during the day (working out, drinking coffee or tea, etc.) affects your sleep.

Voxer This is basically a walkie talkie on your phone - so cool! I have a friend who moved to California this past Christmas (I miss you, Anna!) and we use this app to talk a ton! So fun to talk to your long-distance friends without running up the phone bill!

Kik I hardly use this app - it's just that some of my friends prefer this to texting, so if I want to talk to them I have to use this. Nothing special - I'm pretty sure everyone has this app.

55k Quotes I just recently got this app and I've been loving it! It's not really something you have to have to survive - it's just for fun. Whenever I'm bored I really love just browsing through different quotes - some are so inspiring! And besides, we all get in those caption ruts on Instagram when we don't know what to say - this will save the day.

Tracker Lite I decided to set a goal every month to do something once a day (this month it's drinking a cup of green tea a day) and this app helps me keep track of how I'm doing with my goal! It's just a calendar where you can tick off the days that you accomplished your goal - nothing special, but it helps a ton.

Emoji This is the only app that I got that is in the "Random" folder. This folder is pretty much always abandoned - I mean, who needs "Game Center" or "Stocks"??? I never actually open the Emoji app - you just need to have it in order to add little images that you always see on Instagram and such.

Nike Training Club I've also talked about this app in October - and I still use it about twice a week (when I don't have time to go to the gym). The workouts there are super fun to do (plus, they save so much time), but they will kick your butt!

Weight Training Logger I never use this app, so I might delete it soon, but I just can't do it yet. I just have a feeling that I'll use it sometime/need it sometime soon. From what I've seen so far - this app helps you stay on track with your workouts by offering you hundreds of workouts to choose from. I just haven't gotten to use it yet!

MyFitnessPal Hardly ever use this app, too - but sometimes I want to see how many calories I ate in a day (which is basically never, 'cause who cares about calories???) or how much I burned off from a workout (still haven't gotten to buy the Polar watch yet).

Tone It Up I'll be completely honest with you - as much as I love the Tone It Up girls, I seriously regret getting this app. I just can't figure out how to use it - I wish they had a tutorial up or something, 'cause I feel like it would really help me! Oh well.

Nike + iPod This is so helpful when I run, especially outside! This works with the Nike chip that you put into your shoes and helps you track how long and how much you ran, your best mile, etc.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know if you know of any cool apps I might like!


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