Monday, March 11, 2013

Pick One: Kate Spade Shoe Obsessed

Have I been obsessed with Kate Spade lately or what?? During their 20% off sale I got a wallet, a pair of earrings, and a phone case (haul, maybe?) - I now find myself just browsing her website when I'm bored (...or during class...). In these couple of days - or weeks...time flies when you spend it all online shopping - I've added tons of shoes to my shopping cart (don't worry, I probably won't end up buying any of them - a girl only has so much money...and closet space). 

I made a list - or rather, a collage - of my favorite shoes that Kate Spade offers right now. I do realize that these aren't exactly low prices, but as I've probably mentioned before I prefer spending money on shoes rather than, let's say, shirts. Expensive shoes look more expensive, feel more expensive (better quality = more comfort), and will last you so much longer than those pumps you picked up at Forever21 for 20$! 

These are the shoes that I ended up adding to my shopping cart... If you're a teenage girl with a shopping obsession (more like shopping problem), like me, then you will probably understand that I won't - I can't - just buy $1500 worth of shoes. Well, in one shopping trip at least :P

I will probably pick one of these and buy that pair - hence the name of the post, "Pick One". I really need some heels for an event that's happening this Summer, but I also need sandals, and I also need cute flats, plus I reeeeeeally need sandals...I should probably stop rambling now.

My favorite (of the moment, at least) would probably have to be the Billie Heel - the shape is so classy and the cork texture gives the shoe such a Summer-y feel!

Let me know which one of these you would get!


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