Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day: Boy No-No's

A couple of months ago, one of my best friends and I (we didn't sleep for more than 24 hours and had a lot of coffee, okay?) made "The Guy Rules" - approved by our best guy friend, by the way. "The Guy Rules" are basically some ground rules that were made to try and keep us sane & full of dignity. I can't really say that we've followed them since (whoops), so I deleted the file from my computer and never looked back. This weekend, however, I decided to go through everything on my computer and sort through all of it. Then, I got a request from a friend to write about the guy rules, which instantly reminded me to try and find them. After a long search in the trash of my computer, however, the search ended without a result. So, I decided to call my friend that I made the list with, and ask her if she still had it. And, to my (and your) luck, she did.

I present to you - the guy rules.
  1. He cannot ask you out over Facebook/text/any social network. This one's pretty self-explanatory. You simply don't deserve a guy who asks you out over a social network. You just don't. Unless you're really desperate, of course. But you shouldn't be. Definitely rule number one.
  2. Don't let a guy feel you up (unless you're dating). Simple, yet effective. If you get the "How To Keep Your Dignity" handbook (not sure if it exists or not) - I'm sure that one of the most important things not to do is let a guy feel you up. There is nothing less classy than just letting a guy feel you up whenever (& however) he wants to.
  3. Cannot seduce guys (unless he's your boyfriend). Now, let me clear this one up. By seducing, I do not mean "flirting". I flirt all the time. Seduction is a tempting or attractive thing. If put into simple words - don't tempt guys. Unless you're dating. Then do whatever you want. 
  4. Don't tell everything to your friends. Some private things need to stay...private. We all know that even the bestest of best friends sometimes open their mouths to others about something you said. So many relationships that I know of have just crashed because of people opening their big mouths about things that happen inside of the relationship. Of course, you can share most of the things that happen with your friends, but not everything.
  5. Try to make your relationship last longer than a month. In other words, unless he breaks up with you before that, don't cut it off with a guy if you've only been dating for a couple of weeks. First of all, you don't want to seem...well, easily available to guys, and second of all - don't just quit if something isn't working out. At least try to fix whatever is wrong with your relationship.

I am, by no means at all, an expert in boys. I mean, I've never even went out with anyone! But my dear friend who I made this with has dated many guys - and I'm pretty sure it's safe to call her an expert. By putting my prudish aspects on dating and her...well...experience together - this is what we came up with. We don't live by these rules - and neither should you! But, just try and keep them in mind ;)


P.S. I really appreciate your comments and requests - keep 'em coming!


  1. How to stay organized for upcoming tests n'stuff

    1. OMG thank you so much for the requests kaka, I was out of ideas, but now I have a huge list, haha <3
