Monday, February 11, 2013

How To: Clean Your Room

It's Monday - which means a whole new week! And a whole new week means a fresh start. And to get a fresh start you need to start off...well, fresh! And even though I usually like cleaning my room on Sundays (simply because I have, literally, no time on weekdays), this week I made an exception since I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday. 

I know, the idea may sound stupid: "How to clean your room". You may be thinking, "I know how to clean my room", but this was a request, so I'm just sharing some of my tips and tricks of how I like to clean up.

Step one.  Crank some tunes. Music always helps. It sets the mood! If it's a sad, rainy day - turn on some happy, bright music! It will not only make your day better, but will also set the right mood and make cleaning up more fun (remember the "clean up, clean up" song?)!

Step two. Take all of your things out of your drawers and take everything off of your hangers. Next, sort your clothes in three piles - to give away, to keep, and to get rid of. Just throw away all of the clothes you don't need anymore or that are just...well, useless, and leave the rest on the bed. After that, put all of the clothes that you can give away into a trash bag and donate them to charity or something of the sort. Then sort through all of your "keep" clothes and organize them however you feel suits you best - by color, sleeve length, whatever (I can make another post on this later on if that will help you guys!).

Step three. Clear everything off of the bed and make it. Once you're done with that - clear everything under the bed. You'll be amazed at how many things you can find under there! Sort through all of that, and move on to the next step:

Step four. The shelves. Clear everything off of your shelves and then dust everything (I mean, if you feel like it) with a duster - don't you just love those fluffy things?! You can also polish the furniture if you want to, but I only do that about once every two months. 

Step five. Vacuum. I hate vacuuming with a passion, but since all you have to do is quickly slide that thing around the room floor - it's pretty fast and easy to do. Don't forget to vacuum in places you would otherwise forget - under the bed, under the desk, under the rug, in the corners, etc.

Step six. Tidy up the little spaces - your desk, your dresser, nightstands - places like that. I will most likely also do a post on how I organize my desk, so I won't go too deep in on that, but just make sure to have everything neat, full of free space, and organized.

Hope you guys found this somewhat helpful and interesting to read - 11 days of blogging has really been kicking my butt!


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