Saturday, February 9, 2013

How To: Deal With Stress

I've been getting a lot of requests from you guys lately, which is amazing - thank you so much! I've been definitely getting some ideas from what you've been asking me to blog about. So far I've blogged every single day in February without skipping any! 10 down, 18 to go...

Today I'll be sharing with you some of my favorite ways to de-stress & just calm down & relax. I get stressed a ton, so I've definitely mastered the art of dealing with stress. Well...kind of.

Do yoga. I love yoga. It strengthens and stretches your muscles, plus it's so calm and relaxing - it's bound to put you into a good mood once you're done! And all you really need is a yoga mat and the internet - there are some great websites with poses for beginners - just google it!

Paint your nails. This is a huge one for me. First of all, I love painting my nails (so I kind of use being stressed as another reason to do so). Second of all, it's a way to basically waste time and wind down. And finally, who doesn't love some nice painted fingernails (or toenails, I guess)?

Have a treat. Dark chocolate does the job for me - it puts you in a good mood, since it's full of antioxidants, and it tastes delicious too! You probably know that I'm a big fan of dark chocolate, so I eat it whenever I can find an excuse to (no shame)! Just make sure it's at least 70% cocoa - that'll do it for you.

Have a cup of tea. There's nothing better than a cute little cup of green tea and a fun movie or TV show to watch (well, to me at least). It doesn't really matter what kind of tea you drink - just make sure it's not caffeinated, because in that case you'll probably get even more stressed (coffee does that to you).

Read a book. This is probably my favorite one out of all of these. I adore reading - it just takes me into a whole new world where I can forget about all of my worries, and instead, worry about the characters in my book - I just love it! Plus, I love re-living the scenarios in my head later on (please tell me I'm not the only one who does this).

Hope y'all found this somewhat helpful - sorry this post was a little shorter than usual - I have to leave to Moscow early in the morning tomorrow, so I have tons of packing and planning to do!


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