Friday, February 15, 2013

Harlem Shake...?

Out with the old, in with the new, right? Well, Gangnam Style might be "so 2012 and late", but I've recently been seeing/hearing this "dance"/song everywhere! This leads us to the next question - is Harlem Shake the new Gangnam Style? 

I say yes! First of all, it's not so super up-beat, which I prefer. Second, it is so much less annoying than Gangnam Style (no offense)! I remember the first time I heard Gangnam Style, I was like "what the...". But when I first heard Harlem Shake it just made me want to dance and go crazy.

You can just go on YouTube and search "Harlem Shake dance" up - you'll find tons of hilarious videos that will want you make to film your own! 

Basically, the whole point of this "dance" is that one person dances weirdly for the first couple of seconds of the song and no one pays attention, and then, after about 15 seconds everyone in the room starts dancing like crazy. And this isn't attractive-Beyonce-single-ladies's more like a Liz dance. *Liz dance a.k.a this-girl-wishes-she-could-dance-but-she-cant-so-she-just-dances-awkwardly-on-purpose-because-doing-it-on-purpose-is-better-than-unintentionally dance*

The video above is definitely one of my favorites out of the ones that I've seen so far (and I've seen a ton, in case you're wondering)! It's so funny!!! Notice the guy in the lower right corner. And the guy with the giraffe. And the guy in the helmet. And everyone else. It's hilarious!

What are your thoughts and opinions on this new trend? Yay or nay?


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