Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 2012 Favorites

I cannot believe it is already September. I know everyone says this, but August just flew by! Well, actually, it went pretty slow, but I'm still really excited for all the fall festivites and all that fun stuff.

I don't think I really have many favorites this month but whatever, I'll still want to write this post ;)

1. Working Out 110%, hands down my favorite thing this month was working out. August was the first month I made a fitness/workout calendar for myself and actually finished it! It was amazing. I'm kind of super super obsessed now...

2. Lilly Pulitzer 17 Month Agenda As many of you lovely ladies may know - I am obsessed with organizing. It's actually more of a habit than an obsession, but whatever. I got my agenda in July (I pre-ordered it from the website in May) and I have been oggling over it ever since! In the month of August I actually started using it and darn loving it! It is so adorable and girly (not to mention PREPPY) - I love it! Our school gives out their own planners, but I do not like them at. all. So whenever I pull this bad boy (or girl?) out in class everyone starts staring at me and I get asked where this baby is from every single time ;)

3. Instagram + Breakfast Instagram has always been my favorite, so I'm not even going to include it in my monthly favorites, because then I'd have to include it every month and that would get kind of boring ;) But. Instagramming while eating breakfast have been an absolute favorite for me this month! I was just chilling at home for the majority of August, so I just make a breakfast, and enjoy it while scrolling through my Instagram feed. On those days, though, when I have to wake up at 5:30 AM and I'm in a huge rush, I don't really have time to enjoy my breakfast, so I just scroll through while sitting in the car on the way to school.

4. Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment I mentioned this in my "Back To School Beauty Essentials" blog post, so I won't talk about it that much... All I can say is that I love it! It is very moisturizing, lasts a long time, and makes my lips feel nice and smooth in minutes!

5. Abercrombie and Fitch "Wakely" Perfume Now we all know the A&F "Fierce" cologne and, of course, we all gave the male memebrs of our family this wonderful sexyness in a bottle for Christmas last year (or was that just me?). But no one ever talks about the perfumes from Abercrombie! And that makes me really sad, because they are amazing! This one I actually got from one of my best friends Anna (I know you're reading this koza ;)!) for my birthday last year and I've just been using it on those days when you just need to hop out the door with no makeup on and your hair in a pony just to get some groceries. It adds a put-together, girly touch, but it's not too strong or too obvious. Love. That. Stuff.

I am very sad to say that I think this is it. Wow, that was not that interesting, but that means that this month I am going to have a poop load of things that I'm loving! Gonna go sleep now ;)


pic from here ;)

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