Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Current Obsessions: tumblrs/Blogs

Why hello there little sicky children. I am, in fact, sick. Along with the rest of my school. There's been some kind of virus going on and I really want to kill it right now. Really badly. Just to let you know how miserable I am: I woke up at 6 AM to go to school, got ready, went to school, came to school, got a cup of tea, talked with my friends...and left school right before first block. Such a rebel, Liz, such a rebel. Anyways, I got home, took a nap, had some lunch, and am now giving myself some free time.

Since I've obviously been sitting at home all day I've been studying (such a good girl) and, of course, spending 99.9% of my free time on tumblr. And today I am going to share some of my favorite tumblrs and blogs with you guys! Most of them are extremly preppy, but whatever.

Woop woop! Oh, by the way, these are in no particular order!

  1. Prep Of The South Let me tell you, this girl is amazing. She used to have a YouTube channel, but then deleted it, which was a serious loss for me. Just kidding, but I really do miss her videos. Anyways, this is a super preppy tumblr (just a warning), it is extremely inspirational - check it out, you'll know what I mean! She is a definite idol for me (everything-wise!) - she has so many tips on studying, fashion, etc. CANNOT. GET. ENOUGH.
  2. Vineyard VInes & Preppy Guys This is also one of my favorites for many reasons: a) just look at the cursor-mouse-thing-whatever b) look at the background and c) take a look at the pictures... Yeah, I know. Amazing. Oh, and it's also really preppy.
  3. SeaBelle Sorry guys, but I'm a prepster now...and I just realized that all (except one) of these tumblrs are preppy... Sorry I'm not sorry :P Anyways, I just love this girlie - great pictures, great everything...yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
  4. SarahBelle93 If you girls don't know this goregous chica from YouTube, you haven't lived. I absolutely adore her YouTube channel...and her tumblr makes me love her a bajillion times more. Yepppp
  5. New England Born And Bred Great inspiration pictures. Just love them. Can't really add anything else :P
  6. Sweeter Than Tea Gorgeous, gorgeous girl. Gorgeous, gorgeous tumblr. Cheers to spending 100% of your free time on this girlie's blog. Yeepee.
  7. Prep Of The South Questions Now, this is the same girl's blog that I mentioned...Prep Of The South. The reason she made a Q&A tumblr is because she was recieving a ton of questions on her main tumblr, and when answering them, she crowded her followers' feeds on tumblr... All of that put together equals a big great Q&A tumblr, full of awesome advice and just fun-to-read things.
  8. The College Prepster Now this girl (Carly) is awesome. Love love love her. She has a blog, which I will mention later on, and I've been reading it for a while. But I've only recently found out about her tumblr. It is amazing. She basically answers all of her questions on there, and also posts adorable outift of the days!
  9. Cookies and Apple Juice This is not. A preppy. Tumblr. At all. It's actually another YouTube Beauty Guru's tumblr - Kayla Lashae (aka akaydoll on YouTube). Her style is, like, the opposite of preppy. Think...the Jenner sisters, Brandy Melville, and hipsters. Yep.
  10. The College Prepster (the blog) I'm not going to talk much about this one, because I am a) getting really tired right now and b) yeah, I'm just tired. Basically, she posts a lot (a couple of times a day), and just has really fun and helpful advice ;)
  11. The Prep Of The South (the blog) Not going to talk about this much, either, because I realized I rambled way to much about her before... Anyways, she doesn't post that often on her blog, but when she does - it is so worth the wait. Just go check 'er out ;)
woop woop I'm done and can now go to sleep without feeling unacomplished

picture from Vineyard Vines and Preppy Guys' tumblr

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