Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Personal Goals

I just got a request from one of my readers (I assume) to share my personal goals with you. I made a whole blog post about goal setting and how important it is to set goals for yourself, and asked if any of you wanted me to share my personal goals with you.

These are some goals I've set for myself a month or two ago - they aren't long-term, but nevertheless, I still work towards them. Because, as I've said before, in the long run - they will lead to long-term effects (a healthy body, knowledge of classic books, and killer guitar skills).

Have a blogpost up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have been doing really well with this one actually! After my horrible sickness which resulted in a couple of weeks without blogposts - I decided to instead start scheduling up posts so they won't get in the way of my social or academic life. I've been typing up posts on weekends and scheduling them to come out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

Workout six times a week I am an extremely healthy person and I love working out, but sometimes the laziness just gets to me! I try to workout 5-6 times a week, but make sure to give myself a rest day or two. So far, so good with this one!

Start playing guitar again I used to play guitar every single day last year and the year before, but this year...I've just been really slacking on my practice. Seriously, I don't think I've even touched my guitar since last summer! I recently gave it to a friend, so she could play a little, and I should get it back soon. Needless to say, I'm super excited to start playing again.

Save money For the past couple of weeks all I've been doing is online shopping. I don't think there's been one week since February when I haven't ordered something online. Good for my wardrobe, but sadly, not for my wallet. I'm really trying to cut down on my spendings and increase my savings.

Read more classic books I could not be more excited for the premier of "The Great Gatsby" this May, and - sadly - that is pretty much the only book I've been reading and re-reading for the past couple of weeks. My Kindle actually just broke (insert hysterically crying emoji here), so I've been using that as my main excuse not to read anything else. I even made a list of classics to read to motivate myself! Hopefully, I can get myself out of this rut sooner or later, and start reading classics...instead of, well, a classic

Thanks so much for the request! I'd be glad to read your personal goals in the comments below!


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