Saturday, November 2, 2013

Who to follow: Instagram

Everyone knows and loves Instagram. This app has been a huge hit since last year and it continues to be one of the top-selling apps in the Apple app store. Whether you're new to this app (if you are...what rock have you been living under?) or you're just looking for more people to follow, here are some of my favorite Instagrammers.

 Owner of an adorable online boutique, blog, and a lady with amazing fashion sense - Mackenzie is one of my favorite Instagrammers! Her posts never fail to inspire me and bring a piece of New York to my iPhone. 

The woman behind J.Crew's social media and her website, Lucy's posts are refreshingly clean and...well, fresh. Definitely check her Instagram out if you love fashion and architecture, because that's what you'll get.

Amazing photography - really all I can say about Amy's Instagram. Her posts are just so well-put- together and edited flawlessly, it really makes me think twice about what I'm posting on my Instagram.

 If you're into reading style blogs (especially preppy ones), then I'm sure you know Carly from The College Prepster. Even though her style can sometimes be a little too "old" or conservative for me, I love looking through her Instagram posts and seeing what she's been up to. Really, Instagram is just twitter, but in picture form!

I recently followed Chriselle because I started reading her blog and I have to admit, I kind of love her Instagram more than her actual website. Everything is very high-fashion, chic and just plain gorgeous. Definitely one of my favorites!

 Bling? Check. New York? Check. Adorable puppy? Check. If all of that isn't enough to make you follow this account, then I don't know what is. Definitely one of my favorite Instagrams, if not my favorite.

If you love fashion/personal style Instagrams, then you will adore this one! All of the posts are pretty much just outfit posts, but they are so inspiring - when I'm stuck in a fashion rut I always head on to Instagram and Kristina's always wants me to dress better, even when I feel like leggings and a sweater.

Who are some of your favorite Instagrammers? Let me know in the comments below!


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