Friday, November 8, 2013

The "Sweater Weather" Tag!

Can you believe it's already November?! I know I can't - October seemed like the longest month and it was oh-so-stressful, but it still went by pretty fast. The cold and rainy weather outside is getting me pumped for winter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, winter break - I could go on forever!

Today I decided to do the "Sweater Weather" tag that has been going around YouTube. I love doing tags because I love answering questions and I feel like my readers get to know me a bit better after each one. If you want to answer any of these - feel free to do so in the comment section below!

1. Favorite candle scent? Right now this would definitely be "Apple Pie" by (you guessed it) Bath and Body Works. I also love those candles where the wicker makes a crackling sounds, but those are hard to find where I live, so my most loved one this fall is "Apple Pie".

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? If you know me (or read my blog often enough) you already know the answer to this question. I've probably said this 500 times, but I am absolutely positively a coffee person. Even though I like tea and used to drink hot chocolate all the time, coffee just holds a special place in my heart.

3. What's the best fall memory you have? This question is probably the hardest one to answer, simply because I don't have many fall memories... My birthday is in the first week of October, so birthday memories are always fun. I remember going to Vienna with my grandma and sister a year or two ago during the fall time and it was beautiful! The weather was good, the leaves were falling, the air was crisp and the shopping was amazing ;) Since I'm only 15, there's not that much to remember from my "childhood" and I actually think something might be wrong with my memory, because I can hardly remember my life from first till sixth grade... I remember some parts, but not the important ones, and it just makes me so sad!

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner? Winged eyeliner! I wear gel or liquid eyeliner on my top lash line every single day, so winging it out it just a plus for me. I usually wear black eyeliner in the fall/winter months and brown in the spring/summer months.

5. Best fragrance for fall? I just came back from my trip to Rome, where I stopped by the Jo Malone store to look around and maybe get a candle or two. Naturally, I ended up walking out of the store with a little bag and a big fragrance inside...Rose Water & Vanilla. Since perfume never lasts on me long enough, I wanted to get one of their scents in the black bottles as opposed to the clear ones (they're meant to be stronger and last longer). Pretty sure I found my signature scent, so this is not only my favorite for fall, but for year-round.

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food? Stuffing. I am currently on a "no cheat meals until Thanksgiving" roll (fitness junkies, you know what I'm talking about) just so I can allow myself to eat some stuffing on Thanksgiving. My mom makes this stuffing with cornbread, dried white bread, celery, and a bunch of other goodness (not sure what kind exactly) that my grandmother and great-grandmother used to make and I loooove it! Seriously though, I hardly eat gravy or cranberry sauce - just turkey and tons of stuffing.

7. What is autumn weather like where you live? Cold, windy, and very rainy. Early September is my favorite month of the year here in Moscow, though, so it's not that bad...until October. October is when the temperature starts dropping, the rain starts falling, and the sun starts disappearing. By this time, leaves are already all on the ground, grass isn't bright green anymore, and the clouds often cover the sky. November always comes with a thud - super cold weather (think 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit), lots of rain, and practically no sun. So think twice before you move to Moscow ;)

8. Most worn sweater? This will probably come as a shocker but I don't wear sweaters as much as you probably think I would. My issue is, my body shape is already kind of squared off (my mid-section), so sweaters just make me look more bulky. I love cardigans, though, and my most worn would definitely be the Madewell Log Cabin cardigan (it's almost all sold out, so hurry!) - you can wear it buttoned or unbuttoned and it goes with practically everything.

9. Most-have nail polish this fall? I actually have a post on my favorite fall nail polish, but my favorite one at the moment is Raven Red by Revlon. It's a nice "oxblood", if you will, color - a deep, burgundy, maroon-ish red. Perfect for any look, goes with every outfit, and puts you into that classy, put-together fall mood ;)

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles? I've never been much of a sports person (just horseback riding and working out), and watching sports just never made sense to me. I know many people are passionate about football, but because I've been living in Russia for most of my life, I never got to experience the football season. However, I do love jumping in leaf piles. It can get a bit dangerous where I live, though, since bees often make beehives in the leaves, but when I'm in the US I try to get as much leaf-jumping in as possible. 

11. Skinny jeans or leggings? Jeans are not my friend. My legs are very muscular and on the shorter side, and jeans are just not flattering. Leggings, however, are probably my most-worn fashion piece. Now, don't worry, I don't wear them as pants - I don't even wear normal "leggings", the only "leggings" that I own are the J.Crew Pixie Pants. They are so much more flattering and comfortable than jeans, you can dress them down or dress them up, and they're suitable for any time of the year, so I don't see why I should even own jeans. Confession: I only own 2 pairs of jeans, one of which are jeggings.

12. Combat boots or Uggs? UGGs all the way! Even though I'd never wear them out in public (except for my UGG moccasins), I love wearing them on weekends or in the car. When I think about it, there's nothing wrong about wearing UGGs in public, so if you do - I'm not judging! They are just way too casual for my style and wardrobe, so that's pretty much the only reason why I don't wear them out.

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype? Yes, but the gingerbread latte is SO much better! Maybe it's just me, but I personally enjoy the winter drinks more than the fall ones - the pumpkin spice is the best for fall and the gingerbread latte is my favorite for winter. Not going to lie, though, I usually just get a chai tea latte or a latte with soy milk when I go to Starbucks...

14. Favorite fall TV show? I'm not a big TV show person (not going to whine about the lack of free time I have), so I only watch two or three TV shows. I've always watched Gossip Girl (still watch it while I'm doing homework, eating, working out, or cleaning my room) and Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but I started watching The Carrie Diaries last year and I was instantly hooked. Season 2 just aired not so long ago, so my favorite "fall" TV show would be The Carrie Diaries this year, even though it has hardly anything to do with fall.

15. What song really gets you into the fall spirit? "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran, simply because I overlistened to it last fall, so I now associate it with fall and winter. Besides, it's so relaxing, calm, and beautiful - it just feels like fall.


1 comment:

  1. My dear Liz, you are really one of the best fashion guru. You know much more things about fashion. I am really happy to see your blog. someone may get sweater dress at
