Wednesday, November 20, 2013


One night, I lay in bed thinking of my day and reflecting on what's happened in the past week. I came to realize that a few things have happened that I would usually classify as "regrets". However, I was in a new mindset and I felt as if those regrets could be made positive. 

Why regret something and see it as a negative thing, when you can easily turn it into a life lesson? Why sit around feeling sorry for yourself, when you can wake up tomorrow, seeing the world in a different better, brighter light? Now, when I did something that I wish I hadn't or said something that was definitely not the right thing to say I don't regret things. I ask myself these questions. I reflect on why I felt compelled to do what I did and I think about what I can learn from my mistakes.

This new mindset has kept me so calm and tranquil these past few days. In situation that I would usually be completely freaking out and panicking I now somehow manage to stop and think for a while. Has this happened to me before? If yes, what did I do and was I pleased with the result of my actions? 

If you were to take one thing away from today's post, it should be that you should never regret anything. Regret is such a negative word - of course you will see everything in a negative light! Instead, look back on your actions, reflect, and regret nothing.


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