Monday, April 1, 2013

How To: Improve Yourself

I believe that one of the most important things in life is having a good attitude towards anything and everything. You should try to be the best representation of yourself every hour of every single day, even if you can't always do that.

This post pretty much sums up my life philosophy - it explains what I believe is right and what you need to do to become a better you. 

1. Be nice to everyone And I mean everyone. Even those who you hate or who hates you - just be nice. Honestly, I've found that it makes everything so much easier to handle. And who doesn't like a nice person?! 

2. Help Help in every aspect. Donate to charity, adopt a dog from the shelter instead of buying one, or simply give some advice to your friend - no matter how big and important or small and minor the subject may be, just take a minute to make someone's day (or maybe even life!) better. You won't regret it - you just can't.

3. Know what you want And then decide how you're going to get it. I will type up a goal setting post later this week, so look forward to that because it'll basically be a more in-depth explanation of this. If you know what you want in life and are willing to work for it - you will get it. It might take days, months, or years, but as long as you stay motivated - you'll eventually get what you want and need. It's so simple, yet it will make your life so much better.

4. Smile I live in Moscow, and smiling at random people around here is taken as...well, creepy. Or mental. But I still smile, even if I'm in a horrible mood. Why, you ask? Because it improves your mood. It makes you happier. You know how you will sometimes drink decaf coffee to trick your body into thinking it's real coffee (or is that just me?) - this is the same thing! When your sad - smile, because it actually tricks your body into thinking that you're happy! And besides, a smile brightens everyone's day  ;)

Hope you all enjoyed! What are some things that help you improve yourself and your attitude? Let me know in the comments below! 


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