A goal is something that you may not even realize you have set for yourself, but you are working towards it - without even realizing! It can be something small, like not spending that paycheck as soon as you get it - but you're working towards a bigger goal without even realizing it (like saving up money for the future).
If you don't know your goals/ you don't have any goals - you are most likely going to fail. Because who wants to live for nothing? Who wants their life to be a torturous, pointless journey instead of a fun and challenging one? Exactly.
This is why I believe that goal setting is very important to think about and put some thought and effort into. That feeling of accomplishment when you finally reach a goal - totally worth all of the troubles you went through.
I don't know why, but I just wanted to remind all of you about the importance of goals and why you should always have them - no matter how big or small. Oh, by the way, the goals in the picture above are just random ones that I thought of - but I can always share my goals with you if you want me to!