Monday, September 2, 2013

Quick Tip: Water Before/After/During a Meal

We all know drinking water is healthy, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day, it's good for your skin, it flushes out the toxins, blah blah blah. I, too, knew all of these things and drank at least 70 ounces of water a day, but I never knew when to drink it.

My grandma always told me not to drink water while I'm eating, but she never really explained why, so I just kept doing what I always did - drink water 24/7. Recently, though, I've been doing some research and I found a couple of very interesting facts.

Because the "plug" in the bottom of your stomach isn't a valve, it can't be pushed open, so when you drink while you're eating the food can push into your intestines (gross, I know!). Therefore, you should follow the 15/30 rule - drink 15 minutes prior to eating and 30 minutes after, but not during. This will also help free up space in your stomach so you don't get as hungry/don't eat as much.

Sorry for no blogging lately, I've really been busy! Let me know if you have any requests below!


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