Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How To: Save Time in the Morning

Rushing in the morning is one of the worst things to do when you're starting off your day. As a teenage girl who has to get up at 5 AM every morning I can tell you that it takes a ton of willpower to stop hitting the snooze button and finally get out of bed. Some days you just have to choose - nice hair or more sleep? But instead of putting yourself in front of this tough (sarcasm intended) decision you can just get ready before bed!

Just by spending 15-30 extra minutes in the evening by preparing for the next day, you can save loads of time in the morning (and make it less stressful)! Make it a goal to go to bed 8-9 hours before you have to wake up and you'll feel so much more rested the next day. It's really not that hard, once you learn to prioritize and work without distractions you'll get the hang of it in no time!

In the set below I've included some ways that you can save time in the morning by getting ready before bed. I, myself, use these tips 99% of the time and personally find it so much easier and faster to get ready in the morning. Literally, all I have to do in the morning is wash my face, put on the clothes that I laid out the night before, eat breakfast, and brush my teeth (and do my makeup...sometimes).

:: Decide on your outfit :: This saves so much time in the morning, but it only takes a couple of minutes to do before bed! Check the weather, so you know what type of clothes to wear, and just lay out your outfit on a chair or hang it up on hangers. You might want to try it on before bed, just to see if you need to add or take something. So in the morning, all you have to do is get up and throw your clothes on!

:: Shower :: I know some people prefer taking showers in the morning, but I honestly don't care. It saves tons of time and saves you the hassle of waiting for your hair to dry/blowdrying it. And who wouldn't want to wake up 10-15 minutes later?

:: Style your hair :: Curling/straightening your hair before bed might sound weird, but it's not! If you curl it before bed, your curls will look more relaxed and natural-looking in the morning. If you straighten it, I'm pretty sure you can just throw your hair in the bun for the night and it'll still be straight.  Whenever I want to curl my hair for school I always do it before bed - I like the fallen-out-curl look even more and it saves you a good 20 minutes in the morning!

:: Pack your bag :: This is kind of a no-brainer. Why pack your bag in the morning when you can just put everything in your bag in the evening? Saves you the stress of not being able to find your wallet in the morning.

:: Prepare breakfast :: Now, I wouldn't recommend making your breakfast before bed and then eating it in the morning (cold fried eggs...ew). But there are some breakfast meals that you can make before bed and then just get up and eat! Overnight oats/oats in a jar is one of my favorite ways to eat oatmeal. Also, if you like drinking smoothies for breakfast, you can just chop up your fruits, put them in a ziplock, put them in the freezer, and then just toss it all into a blender in the morning! If you still find yourself in a hurry to eat in the morning, though, here are some healthy but quick and easy breakfast ideas.

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! If you have any tips, please feel free to leave them below!

P.S. I came back from Justin Bieber early in the morning today and I loved it! SO much fun! I actually got to go backstage and meet him with my friend who opened up for him (yay for connections haha)! Definitely recommend going to his concert if you have one near you - even if you don't listen to his music much, it's still super fun.


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