Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ten Tips: Save and Manage Time

I'm not sure if I've done a post like this before or not, but, you know - you can never talk too much about organization ;) I am actually saving and managing my time now, because I'm writing this today (Monday), but I'll schedule to post this on Wednesday to save time! Does this count as a tip?.. Well, not if you have a blog I guess -.-

Okay, on to the tips.

1) Think Ahead I know this is a broad statement, but please do think ahead. Wether it's planning an outfit for the next day or thinking about a test that you know is coming up - think ahead. Use your brain. If you think about things before they actually happen you can save yourself so much time and your nerves too! I know, I know, "live in the moment" and all that jazz - but you've gotta have your boundaries. Living in the moment doesn't mean ignoring the events that are coming up and not caring about them - it just means that you need to exist in the moment and not wander off (in your head, of course). I like to plan ahead in the shower - helps me think :)

2) DO NOT wander off to tumblr/any social media in class This is my number one rule...which I hardly ever follow. And I feel so horrible about it! For a month or two when the school year started - I actually did follow this, but recently I've just been way too bored/distracted/tired to listen or do anything in class, so I just go on tumblr. And it's been killing me. Because after class I always have some kind of questions and then it turns out that the teacher already explained it. Rude. Disrespectful. And you do not benefit from tumblr... Well, not in class, at least.

3) Do not procrastinate This is so incredibly hard, believe me, but once you've figured it out/found a method that works for you - it is so easy (it just becomes a habit!). To be honest, I kind of am procrastinating now, but not really, because I'm still doing something useful. So, yes. Don't procrastinate, kids ;)

4) Check social media/e-mail on the way home Okay, if you're the driver - this will obviously not work for you, but I'm pretty sure most of you guys can't drive yet, so this won't really bother you. Anyways, I always check Instagram/Facebook/e-mail/tumblr on the way to and from school - it just kills time and saves time too!

5) The 20/10 rule Most of you (or maybe all of you) are probably thinking: "what the heck", but once I explain this you guys will be thankful forever. The 20/10 rule is basically made for when you're studying at home (or in school...just not during class) - it is when you study non-stop for 20 minutes, and then take a 10 minute break. During the 10 minute break you can do whatever - Facebook, YouTube, quick workout (I LOVE the Blogilates challenges for this!), potty break - whatever! Helps you concentrate, but you're not exactly wasting your time doing random stuff either ;)

6) "Self-control" This app is AMAZING for managing your time and controlling your internet cravings...while you're studying. What this app does, is you basically enter a "blacklist" of websites that you do not want to visit while studying/doing schoolwork and set a timer for whatever time...and "self-control" blocks you from visiting those sites. It is UH-MAY-ZING!!! Helps me so much!

7) Put your phone in a different room while working Whether it's schoolwork or any other kind of work - unless you need your phone for that (and Facebook doesn't count as 'that') - PUT IT IN A DIFFERENT ROOM. All dem Instagram notifications and texts won't be bothering you until you're ready to take a break and chat ;)

8) The "magic triangle" This is so true - you'll be surprised by how true this is. And if you haven't heard of this before - then you need to leave your house once in a while and get a life (no offense...I'm just kidding, gawsh). But what it is, is basically 3 things that you can only pick 2 from:
  1. Sleep
  2. Social Life
  3. Studying/Good Grades
And if you can nail all 3 of these down...I don't know what kind of person you are, because no one I've ever met can do this. As you can see - it all matches up: if you want to get more sleep, but also have a life - then you will most likely not have much time to study and focus on schoolwork; if you want to get good grades, but still have some friends (ahah) - then you'll most likely be getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night (story of my life), etc. Just pick two - and prioritize!

9) Use a planner Or at least have a sheet of paper/sticky note where you can write down what you are going to do and when you are going to do it. Example:
     8:30-15:45 - school
     15:45-16:00 - eat
     16:00-16:30 - gym
     16:30-18:00 - car ride home
     18:00-19:00 - study for Math test
     19:00-20:00 - paint nails
     20:00-20:30 - eat
     20:30-21:00 - free time
     21:00-21:45 - read
     21:45 - go to bed
This helps you manage your time and stay on track and focused ;) I keep a daily planner for this, but I guess you could just scribble this down on a sticky note when you get some free time ;)

10) What works best for you Now, this really applies to everything - but I think it just fits the time management aspect perfectly! Do you work best in the middle of the day or at 9 PM? When is it easier for you to concentrate? For me, I feel most motivated to workout at around 6-7 PM, and I like to study at about 4-6 PM or sometimes right before bed. So find out what works best for you and work when you work best!

Hope you guys found this helpful - and look forward to my Saturday post (hint hint *monthly favorites* hint hint)


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